Sunday 2 June 2013

Design Principles

Design principles are the basic laws applied when constructing a visual images. It suggests how a designer can organize and arrange various design elements to the final overall design.

  • Sense of equilibrium.
  • Places different parts of a visual in an aesthetically pleasing way of arrangement.

  • Relationship between two or more elements in a design.

  • Movement in which some elements recurs regularly.

  • Creates a focal point in a design.
  • Attracts attention to the most important element in the design.

  • The relationship among the elements of a visual that helps all the elements to function together.
  • Gives the visual a sense of oneness.
  • Organizes an image, helps in facilitating images and understandings.
  • Can be achieved through the use of similar shapes, common patterns and common background.

  • All parts of elements in a visual image relate to and complement each other.
  • Can be achieved through repetition and rhythm.

  • Tends to unify the total effects of an artwork.
  • Creates rhythm.
  • Can be in form of exact duplication, near duplication, or duplication with variety.

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