Wednesday 12 June 2013

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

A picture is worth a thousand words.  Photographies are not just simple picture that made up of images and colours, they are that can reflect their spirits and hearts within the photographs, and able to tell the person looking at the photograph what the photograph trying to say.  Some meanings may not be able to be expressed by words, but through photograph, every message can be conveyed.

This photograph entitle "Innocence" was taken by Michele Taras. It is one of the exhibits in Center for Fine Art Photography Gallery Juried Show in the year 2007. This award-winning master piece of photograph shows me the pure and innocent heart of this child through the facial expression of this child.  This child was subconsciously trying to hide behind the pillar, showing his feeling of insecurity.  Maybe he is feeling unsafe when the photographer is trying to approach and go near him.  Besides that, a boy walking around outside of the house without wearing shirt/clothes show his life of poverty. Another evidence of his poverty life can b e seen through his body shape. His skinny body with a round stomach is one of the symptoms for a disease named kwashiorkor, which is a disease caused by malnutrition of protein-energy. It occurs more often to children who live in hunger. The child's eyes show a sense of helplessness of going through hardship but also a sense of innocence where he has to face all these hunger and poverty in such young age. He was wondering whether he can see a bright future ahead.


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