Sunday 30 June 2013

A Visit To National Visual Art Gallery

On the 8th of June, our HAA102 Introduction to Design class had a one-day trip to the National Art Gallery. Although me and some of my friends couldn't make it to join the trip on that day, we went together by ourselves on the coming Wednesday morning. On that day, The process of searching the correct way to go to the National Visual Art Gallery was quite challenging. This is because we could not find the exact location of Visual Art Gallery, all the GPS we had lead us to a police station. After asking for direction from one of the policemen and google for the full address of National Visual Art Gallery, we finally reached there after an hour of hard journey.

Once stepped into the main lobby of National Visual Art Gallery, the first thing that caught my sight and  impressed me was the masterpiece hung on the wall of National Visual Art Gallery main lobby. This is an artwork of the artist named Ali Norazmal Yusof, entitle "Great Festival". The receptionists there also warmly welcomed us and told us some of the basic rules that we should follow after we enter the art gallery.

There are three levels altogether. There's something special that caught my attention along the second floor. The wall there were exhibited with a lots of artwork by different children I think with the theme " Characters Go Cycling". Through this we can see that although the skills of drawing and painting of children are not as advanced as adults or the other professional painters, their style and way of expression of feelings through their drawing is very direct and true.

Besides that, there is also a small room which specially designed for the children to have art class. The day we went there, we saw a teacher was teaching the children some skills of painting. The children were so serious in creating their own artwork.

Description Of Favourite Artwork 
However, in total, the artwork that I had the deepest impression on is the artwork by Wong Woan Lee, which entitled "Someone Forgotten". I find this painting simple yet complicated. Why? Because only by using  those drawings that are simple and easy to understand, many meanings and moral values can be conveyed through this artwork.
In the drawing, there lies a skinny old man who looks very weak. Beside him there are three different rooms, with the same old man, there are three of him sitting outside of each room, looking inside the rooms. The first room there are two little girls looking back at the old man, and the old man seemed happy to see them, maybe that were his grandchildren or daughters when he was still young. The second room was he himself lying there with weak body, beside him there's the three him as stated just now, with different non verbal language and expressions, and also two youngster peeping inside the room through the window.  While in the third room, there seems like a happy family watching television together, and the old man was one of them too! This artwork makes me felt a sense of sadness as it seemed that it was trying to show the sadness of a lonely old man who was seriously ill, without anyone he loves or loves him by his side.

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