Sunday 30 June 2013

Design Project - How Technology Affects Human


Technology is an improvement and helps human in daily life. It has been growing for the past few centuries and is still growing in today's world. Technology is an informational field that brings both harm and benefits to human.

As clearly stated above, there are still contradiction between harm and benefit gained by humans whether is increasing the speed of work beneficial or harmful. Technology is neither both if the purposes and controllability is concerned. The harmful and scary part of technology is if it is not being controlled by us but we are being controlled by it. However, how do we differentiate the benefit and harmfulness of technology? The question that has been discussed by many parties all around the world for a long time; Are we controlling the technology or vice versa? Therefore, the idea of coming up with an artwork of both sides came about.

Step by Step Design Process
Firstly, I changed the image size as the sketch was drawn on an A4 paper and the size required by the lecturer is A2 size.

And this is how the original sketch looks like:

I started off with colouring the black shadows in the middle. The shadows were to indicate the differences between two different world of technology usage. For the left one, although technology exists but it helps us to create a better world. For the right one, if technology were not used wisely, the opposite effect will arise.

Because of the sketches were drawn with pencil, and I used magic wand tool to select the parts that I wanted to fill with black colour, there were some small parts here and there that were not properly filled with the colour.  Therefore, I used brush tool, with 100% hardness to fill in the blank spots.

After that, I used eraser on the background layer to rub off the pencil marks to make it a better shadow effect with just pure black colour.

Next, I started colouring the other objects in the artwork. And for the detailed part, I used Round Point Stiff brush tool to help me in drawing all the outlines to make it look better compared to the effect of pencil.

Besides simple and basic colouring, I also used Gradient tool to colour objects such as the cliff.

After that, I continued colouring other details in the artwork using normal brush tool with 50% hardness.

And this is how it looks like after all the details and objects in the artwork has been filled with colours:

As for the final step, I filled in the background colours using Gradient tools. Both sides' backgrounds were in total different colours, indicating the feeling that should be brought up through both side of the picture.

Final Artwork

Artist Statement
Technology can either be HELPFUL or HARMFUL! This artwork shows the consequences of both sides. If technology is being used wisely, it helps in building a better life and brighter future for us and future generations.  On the other side, if technology was being used the wrong way, it will lead you to fall into the trap of technology addiction, not only without a bright future, but a ruined future. To make sure it helps or harms? It's your choice! 

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